
Showing posts from March, 2022

RS Thomas and "The Bell That Never Rang"

RS Thomas (Photo credit Wikipaedia) If you have already read my debut novel, "The Bell That Never Rang" you will have encountered fragments of RS Thomas's poetry, as I used them as quotes at the beginning to each major chapter. He was one of Wales's foremost poets (he died in 2000 at the ripe old age of 87) but it is quite likely that many of you reading this blog have never heard of him!  Of course you have all heard of "The Other Thomas!"  Ronald Stuart Thomas was once "world famous in Wales" but sadly in recent years his profile has faded.  Until now that is! Just before I left Wales I had the great pleasure of being invited as a guest on Pippa Davies's Poetry Pause Podcast. (There's a link at the bottom of this blog, or search for it on your usual podcast supplier):  It proved to be a very enjoyable conversation as we explored the great man's work and I managed to shamelessly plug my book as well! (I'm getting quite god at that...