Llangwm Literary Festival - a Commercial Break!
https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=636688317474065 I have been invited to attend this interesting local literary festival. Looking forward to reading a little of my novel there. Remember the novel? Don't be afraid to post a review on Amazon ...... https://www.amazon.com/Bell-That-Never-Rang/product-reviews/0473615150/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_show_all_btm?ie=UTF8&reviewerType=all_reviews ........and its available on Kindle too! The festival itself as a fantastic experience. I particularly enjoyed the the writing experience organised by Pipand Emma of Poetry Pause. Check out their wonderful podcast - a recent edition, which reviewed the entire year other phenomenal output, included a review of our foot steps along journey on the writing trail: https://poetrypause.libsyn.com/poetry-of-wales-festive-dedications-and-review-of-the-year I did ashort reading to set the trail up but then became engrosed in Emma's challenges to absorb and channel the emo...