
Spring is in full flow at Roose Ferry, with surging sap levels and surging prices! The lane leading to the house is a mass of greenery, with the Beech trees in particular being a beautiful vivid green that sadly, soon fades to a darker glossy shade. The bluebells are in full flower and there is wild garlic for soups and salads but it remains cold; there is a nasty little easterly that never really leaves us. A decent day's rain last week has delayed what was almost a Spring drought, something virtually unknown in this corner of Wales. There is now some steady growth in the vegetable garden. The courgettes are shivering under a cloche, my carrots are up but only the broad beans are really thriving - and some of them have been growing through the winter. But is not only the sap that is rising: inflation is now a certainty! And for once the U.K. is taking a leadership role in a world phenomenon. The current estimates are around 8% with the Bank of England (which really could be rena...