Today was quite a busy, and long, day as I had an important Zoom meeting at 10pm, linking with colleagues in the UK and Denmark and there were slides to sort and a pre meeting, meeting with the UK. I know some of you will find it quite hard to believe, but I do still do some work! My main vetty work at the moment is chairing a company called 'VetSalus'. Its a new start up which has been negatively impacted by Covid but we are making some progress. Check it out if you are interested, especially if you are a vet:

The main story of the day in New Zealand is........the Bird of the year controversy! Voting for the NZ bird of the year is a great annual event that gets seriously competitive. Groups get set up to lobby for certain birds and there have even been suggestions of foul (fowl?) play at times. The controversy at the moment is that, somehow, the native bat has been entered! I mean, come on! How can you have a bat entered into the BIRD of the year competition? But its been getting a few votes too! I have just voted, once more, for the Bellbird as number one, (you get five ranking votes, in a STV system. It's all very democratic!)  I have lots of bellbirds in my garden and a really miss their beautiful song when I'm not there.

I'm sorry but there is not a bird in the UK with a song to come close to a bellbird! 

I'm not sure if you can vote from over seas - if you can log in and vote for the Bellbird!And if you are reading this from NZ, what are you waiting for!

The other main story is the government decision to enforce vaccination on all jobs which come in close contact with people, including hospitality and hairdressing. The gist of the legislation, yet to be passed, is that unvaccinated employees will be given a month the get vaccinated and if they don't comply they will be fired. ("No Jab - No Job!") is the current buzz phrase. NZ is rapidly accelerating towards >90% vaccinated but I suspect this call will be controversial. It is supported by both trade unions and business leaders (how often does that happen?) and epidemiologically, it does seem a logical step. But there is a strong antivaxxer group here and I don't think they will take this lying down, unless of course they are seriously ill with Covid!

The book editing is going well - over half way on the final edit! I can just sense the anticipation and eagerness of all of you out there. You will just have to be patient!! And the 14 days playlist is nearly there too. I'm quite surprised at some of my choices, a nice mix of my folky/mellow sounds, with a few "wake up and ride that bike tunes"! And some of you will pleased to learn that the average age of the artists is not 78! Publication on Sunday's blog, written Monday morning before I start packing! Five days left and counting!

And on a musical note, here's a question: "What important musical event happened on 26th October 1961?"   Clue: It happened in New York.    Answer below........

I was a bit suspicious when lunch arrived, a gluten free wrap containing lentils and salad looked a bit veggie to my mind but it was rescued by a delicious confit of duck which was hidden inside. The food continues to be very good, arriving three times a day in little brown paper bags. Of course the bags can't be re-used because of isolation control but it seems such a waste to throw them away. So I have a brown paper bag full of brown paper bags! Any ideas folks?

 Answer to question above: 

Bob Dylan got his first record contract, for Columbia Records, sixty years ago today!

So who is that standing next to him? 
Email the correct answer to and you will get the prize of being mentioned in the blog tomorrow!

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