I was feeling a bit lethargic this morning - there was no real reason why I should be feeling thus, other than a six hour session of book editing and a late night Zoom meeting in the previous 24 hours. But I excused myself from early morning exercise and lazed around listening to the radio and reading. To celebrate my return to New Zealand I'm reading some Katherine Mansfield short stories on the kindle. She doesn't get mentioned much these days but she was very good, well ahead of her time I think?

The entire day trudged on in rather slow vein; perhaps it is the 'so near and yet so far' syndrome; 3.5 days to go? Two new contact COVID cases have popped up in Christchurch, which is a little concerning. They have now also detected the virus in the drainwater - does that mean there are more cases out there? All my fingers are crossed that it does not escalate! I think my somewhat lethargic mood was being experienced a by everyone at the mid-morning exercise session, which seemed rather subdued. This means that only about half the Italians were jumping up and down vibrantly expressing themselves, while everyone else trudged around in a grey circle. I put in my AirPods and listened to my 14 day playlist - now completed and ready for launch - tomorrow I think!

And there are other viruses to worry about now. Apparently something called pepino mosaci virus has been infecting a few Auckland greenhouses and is affecting exports of tomatoes to some countries:

and there is a fresh outbreak of Avian Flu in the UK. Viruses are steadily taking over our lives.....

I worked on a couple of projects for a few hours during the afternoon but completed nothing of significance.  I think this was just going to be a lethargic day and as a result this is a rather lethargic blog post. But remedy was at hand! Chris and Bonny had dropped some wine off for me. (Thank you both, that was very kind of you.) So at 4.30pm I had had enough and phoned up guest services and they soon dropped me off a bottle. It helped to wash down a rather average "kiwi burger" for dinner. Normally I would enjoy a kiwi burger, surely the prince of burgers? The beetroot, pineapple and fried egg are of course de rigour! (UK readers: see recipe link below.) But the egg was like rubber and it was cold, worst dinner so far. Just about sums up the day really!

Later in the evening, while nearly finishing the wine, I watched a fairly average movie with Eddie Izzard in it, called "Six minutes to Midnight." 

And then I stared at the ceiling for a while!😔


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