On the value of intermittency!
Some enthusiastic types will tell you, no doubt quivering with excitement as they burble out the latest message about their breakfast, that, where social media is involved, it is important to keep it regular. Post once or twice a week they will tell you. Always be current and relevant to the mood of the day. That sounds a bit too regular for my liking, a bit like eating verbal All Bran!
So I beg to differ! There is little point in my posting here unless I have something of interest to say. The major risk of an intermittent posting history is, I suppose, that the audience gets bored and wanders off to the delights of X/Twitter, which is itself it appears, in danger of becoming somewhat intermittent. I'll accept that risk: I am not in search of a large and committed fanbase. I am writing this mostly so that I can hopefully read it in my rocking chair in a few year's time, when I can't remember what I did yesterday andI have lost all handwritten diaries! If both of my other readers enjoy it, that's a bonus.
So I haven't posted for a while - get used to it!
I may add some historical details to fill in this gap of 18 months or so. But I probably won't, even though there are several drafts in preparation. but I will get this bit off my chest first! (And choose not to extend that metaphor into other, All Bran affected areas of my torso!)
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